Blinking Cute Box Cat Arthoniel's Miniature World: October 2015

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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Robin Betterley's Twiddly Bits Toy Cart

Words cannot express how much I want this Robin Betterley Toy Cart miniature kit. Once built, it reaches a mere 3 inches tall. But first, I have to finish my other Robin Betterley kit, Willowmere...
Which is close, but not quite there yet, so for now I will just dream of the little bunny toy cart >(^_^)<

Teleri, the Aeon (Part 1) (^_^)

Today, after much trouble, I finally was able to put Part 1 of a special story up on Flickr featuring a new character. Her name is Teleri, and she is an Aeon :) Please check it out if you have time today!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Little Special Things by Lovejoy Bears (^_^)

The other day I got word that my two little special items that I pre-ordered from my friend, Lovejoy Bears (Flickr), were finished and ready to ship. I cannot wait to get them (^_^) I believe that I shall name the little squirrel Tiggy Winkle, hehe (^_^)

**photos property of Lovejoy Bears**

Rement Rilakkuma Cat Cafe!

As if the Pom Purin Cafe set wasn't enough cuteness for November, Rement is also releasing a lovely Rilakkuma Cat (Neko) Cafe set. As many of you may already know, I have 13 cats here at home, and so I am a major crazy cat HAVE!!

Aimerai Animal Cuties

Introducing the cutest things I've ever seen, Aimerai Dolls new little additions. There is a bunny, a newt, and a dinosaur and I can't get over how cute they are! I went ahead and preordered them, because they are cheap and why not? Hehe...

Rement Pom Purin Cafe (^_^)

I just wanted to give everyone a nicer look at the upcoming Pom Purin Cafe set from Rement. Look at set #8! There's a Pom Purin coin pouch! This is a must have :)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sirrus Looks for Esper (o_o)

I had a great time taking a few photos outside today for an amazing Dragon photo story. It's a short, but very important story (^_^) Please check it out if you have time this weekend!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Mew and Her New Friends (^_^)

Today, I posted a small bunch of pictures that don't really tell any specific story, but really just highlight little Mew playing with her friends. Check it out if your like miniature toys and cute rooms ;)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Teleri, the Aeon

These are my first ideas for Teleri, the Aeon. Her Aeon form will be the Dollzone  Big Dipper pictured above. Otherwise she is going to be a fairly modern girl, despite her ancient age (^_^)

Spyre, the Sky Pirate and Artemis, her First Mate (^_^)

These are my current ideas for Spyre, the Sky Pirate, and Atemis, the "Bad Luck Cat". I LOVE this air balloon, so it is a must have for her story line, and I have already ordered Artemis. He is going to be a little scamp (o_o) 

Beautiful Russian Art Plushes (^_^)

These gorgeously made little plushes will be joining me in the next couple months. I had to go through a CRAZY amount of searching (including translating about 30 pages of Russian) to find them, but finally I was able to get ahold of the artist. She contacted me yesterday to tell me she will be starting them in roughly three weeks. I CAN'T WAIT!!